Fun Finsocial (2)
Global Money Week 2023 activity by Fundación FinSocial, Colombia

What is Global Money Week?

Global Money Week is an annual global awareness-raising campaign on the importance of ensuring that young people, from an early age, are financially aware, and are gradually acquiring the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours necessary to make sound financial decisions and ultimately achieve financial well-being and financial resilience.

GMW organized by OECD – OCDE is a spin-off from Aflatoun Day, organized by Aflatoun International as an annual celebration and learning event for all its 350 partners in 100 countries organized every year in March.

Throughout 11 editions, starting in 2012, GMW has reached over 60 million children and young people in 176 countries worldwide.

The GMW2024 theme, “Protect your money, secure your future”, focuses on safe money management and highlights the importance of adopting a responsible and informed approach to personal finances, by being aware of potential risks in the financial sector and protecting one’s hard-earned money. Such risks may include financial scams and frauds, including phishing, money muling and online shopping scams, and risks related to data privacy, such as identity theft. Young people are especially likely to fall victims of financial frauds and scams, due to their limited financial literacy and experience.

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